
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Soro Sibirina” ,找到相关结果约135条。
Effects of Stone Barriers on Soil Physicochemical Characteristics under Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Cropping Fields Northern of C?te d’Ivoire  [PDF]
Loua Barthélémy Diomande, Sibirina Soro, Gaoussou Roger Soro, Albert Yao-Kouame
Open Journal of Soil Science (OJSS) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/ojss.2021.119022
Abstract: In the north of Cote d’Ivoire, the rural economy is heavily dependent on cotton cultivation which is characterized by low yield. One of the main causes of low productivity is low level of soil fertility caused by erosion. The stone barriers technique is used to fight against erosion and to improve soil fertility. This work was carried out to assess the effects during 1-year-old stone barriers on selected soil physicochemical properties on two geographical locations where soil samples from 0 to 30 cm depth were selected. A total of 60 composite soil samples (30 × 2) were collected. One year after installing the stone bunds in cotton cultivation, the soil was sampled under the same conditions. The soil samples were analyzed for pH (H2O), organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), available phosphorus (Av.P), cation exchange capacity (CEC), exchange bases (Ca, K, Mg, Na) and particle size (clay, coarse silt and sand) contents. The results show that the stone bunds significantly increased the water pH, the soil levels of calcium, magnesium, silt and coarse sand. On the other hand, they significantly lowered the levels of assimilable phosphorus, clay and fine sand in soils. CEC and soil carbon, nitrogen, potassium, sodium and fine silt content did not vary significantly. This study must be repeated in the years to come in order to determine the impact of stone barriers in the medium and long term on soil fertility in the north of Côte d’Ivoire.
Fungal Flora on Weeds in the Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) Orchard in C?te d’Ivoire  [PDF]
Traoré Aboulaye, Soro Sibirina, Ayemou A. R. Emmanuella, Traoré-Ouattara Karidia, Kouabenan Abo, Koné Daouda
American Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS) , 2023, DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2023.144029
Abstract: Since 2015, Côte d’Ivoire has been the world’s largest cashew producer. However, cashew orchards in Côte d’Ivoire are infected by fungal diseases that weaken production. And the contribution of weeds to the spread of these diseases is not yet understood. This study was initiated with the aim of establishing the role of weeds in the proliferation of pathogenic fungi in orchards. It consisted of a survey of weeds showing disease symptoms in cashew orchards in Côte d’Ivoire from February 2021 to July 2022. The itinerant method was used for the weed inventory. Symptomatic leaves were collected and sent to the laboratory for diagnosis on PDA (Potatoes Dextrose Agar) medium. In total, 50 species in 46 genera and 23 families were recorded. Laboratory diagnosis of the samples showed that 80% of the weeds identified harboured pathogenic fungi. The highest infection rates were obtained on Danielia oliveri R. (99.33% to 100%), Vitellaria paradoxa G. (100%), Pterocarpus erinaceus P. (83.91% to 99.33%), Micuna pruriens L. (98.33% to 100%) and Isoberlinia doka C. et S. (56.33% to 100%). The diagnosis revealed the presence of Lasiodiplodia sp, Colletotrichum sp, Pestalotia sp, Alternaria sp and Curvularia sp on weeds in the cashew orchard in Côte d’Ivoire.
Hydrogeochemical and Groundwater Quality Studies in the High Bandama Watershed at Tortiya (Northern of C?te d’Ivoire)  [PDF]
Tanina Drissa Soro, Gbombélé Soro, Kouassi Ernest Ahoussi, Yéi Marie Solange Oga, Nagnin Soro
Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection (GEP) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/gep.2019.72004
Abstract: Hydrochemical and groundwater quality of High Bandama watershed were investigated through thirty-five (35) samples composed of boreholes, hand pump wells and traditional wells. The analysis of physico-chemical parameters shows that groundwater is acidic with pH ranges from 3.2 to 6.9 and mean of 5.4. Electrical conductivity (EC) values were generally low and minimum and maximum were respectively 77 μS/cm and 553 μS/cm with an average of 250.3 μS/cm. Major cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and K+) were also generally low. Ca2+ and Mg2+ are being the most dominants cations with concentration values ranges from 4 - 56 mg/l and 0 - 55 mg/l respectively with mean value of 18.11 and 15.31 mg/l. HCO3 is the most dominant anion with minimum and maximum values ranging from 5 to 215 mg/l. According to WHO guidelines, groundwater quality is good for drinking. Piper diagram classified the hydrogeochemical facies into Ca-HCO3 (48.57%), Ca-Mg-HCO3 (31.43%), Ca-Mg-Cl (17.14%) and Na-Cl (2.86%) water type with one sample for Na-Cl. Compositional relation with plot of Ca + Mg versus HCO3 + SO4 and Chloro Alkaline Indice (CAI) confirms that the majority of groundwater samples (66.67%) exchange their ions Ca and Mg with Na and K from aquifer materials. Gibbs diagram showed that the rock-water interaction or weathering is the dominant process responsible of water chemistry.
Durability of Tubular Geopolymer Reinforced with Silica Sand  [PDF]
Monique Tohoué Tognonvi, Julien Soro, Sylvie Rossignol
New Journal of Glass and Ceramics (NJGC) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/njgc.2012.22012
Abstract: Metakaolin-based geopolymer materials reinforced with sand in tubular shape were developed, and their durability in acidic, neutral and humid environment was investigated. Results show that mechanical properties of materials are not affected by durability tests suggesting a good stability in aqueous media. Furthermore, the surface of samples which was covered by soluble species such as KOH or K2CO3 becomes smooth after treatment in acidic and neutral media and appears not to be attacked confirming the high acid resistance of geopolymer materials.
A Survey of Visual Sensor Networks
Stanislava Soro,Wendi Heinzelman
Advances in Multimedia , 2009, DOI: 10.1155/2009/640386
Abstract: Visual sensor networks have emerged as an important class of sensor-based distributed intelligent systems, with unique performance, complexity, and quality of service challenges. Consisting of a large number of low-power camera nodes, visual sensor networks support a great number of novel vision-based applications. The camera nodes provide information from a monitored site, performing distributed and collaborative processing of their collected data. Using multiple cameras in the network provides different views of the scene, which enhances the reliability of the captured events. However, the large amount of image data produced by the cameras combined with the network's resource constraints require exploring new means for data processing, communication, and sensor management. Meeting these challenges of visual sensor networks requires interdisciplinary approaches, utilizing vision processing, communications and networking, and embedded processing. In this paper, we provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art in the field of visual sensor networks, by exploring several relevant research directions. Our goal is to provide a better understanding of current research problems in the different research fields of visual sensor networks, and to show how these different research fields should interact to solve the many challenges of visual sensor networks.
La necropoli neolitica a domus de janas di S. Pietro di Sorres in Comune di Borutta - Sassari La necropoli neolitica a domus de janas di S. Pietro di Sorres in Comune di Borutta - Sassari
Pier Paolo Soro
Lanx , 2009, DOI: 10.6092/2035-4797/214
Abstract: La necropoli di Sorres si trova nel territorio del Comune di Borutta in provincia di Sassari. E’ ubicata lungo il versante SE del colle di Sorres, sul quale sorge imponente la chiesa in stile romanico di San Pietro di Sorres (XI-XII sec.) sede dell’antica diocesi medievale. La necropoli è composta attualmente da cinque tombe a grotticella artificiale del tipo a domus de janas, scavate nella roccia calcara durante il neolitico recente ed in uso per tutto l’eneolitico. Si presume che fosse l’area sepolcrale dell’insediamento in grotta di Ulàri, una cavità carsica di notevoli dimensioni il cui ingresso si apre lungo il versante Nord del colle; la grotta ha restituito testimonianze archeologiche che vanno dal neolitico media fino al medioevo. La necropoli di Sorres, sebbene sia stata rimaneggiata nella forma degli ambienti ipogei e nella destinazione d’uso, costituisce una delle principali testimonianze del capillare tessuto insediativo del territorio del nord Sardegna. The necropolis of Sorres is in the Borutta area in the province of Sassari. It’s located along the southeast side of the hill of Sorres, on which stands the impressive Romanesque church of San Pietro di Sorres (XI-XII sec.), once seat of the medieval diocese. The necropolis is presently composed of five artificial grotticella tombs, a type of domus de janas (house of fairies), dug in the calcareous rock during the Neolithic and used throughout the Aeneolithic. It is assumed that the area was the burial cave of Ulàri, a large karstic cavity whose entrance opens along the north side of the hill; the cave has given back archaeological remains, from the Neolithic period until the Middle Ages. The necropolis of Sorres, although it was restored in the form of hypogeal environments and used for different purposes, is one of the main evidences of the capillary texture of the settlements in Northern Sardinia.
Sa Rocca Ulàri Cave, near S. Pietro di Sorres, Borutta (SS): archaeological aspects. La grotta di Sa Rocca Ulàri in Loc. S. Pietro di Sorres, Borutta (SS). Aspetti archeologici
Pier Paolo Soro
IpoTESI di Preistoria , 2009,
Abstract: La Grotta di Sa Rocca Ulàri, in Comune di Borutta (SS), si inserisce a pieno titolo nella fitta maglia insediativa che ha interessato le cavità naturali della Sardegna durante la preistoria e la protostoria. Le sue dimensioni e la particolare conformazione, in relazione con il ricchissimo contesto paesaggistico-territoriale del Mejlogu, hanno permesso a piccoli gruppi umani di stanziarsi nella cavità che si apre nel versante settentrionale del Colle di Sorres. La frequentazione è attestata senza interruzione a partire dal Neolitico Medio fino al Medioevo. Lo studio preliminare dei materiali, ha permesso di stabilire che il periodo di maggiore frequentazione a scopo abitativo è quello riferibile alla fine del Neolitico Cultura di Ozieri e al primo Eneolitico Sub Ozieri. L’uso funerario si ipotizza per le successive fasi culturali Monte Claro (Eneolitico Evoluto) e Bonnanaro I facies Corona Moltana (Bronzo Antico). In epoca nuragica (Bronzo Medio/Recente/Finale e prima età del Ferro) la cavità fu frequentata inizialmente come deposito di derrate alimentari, successivamente per altri scopi probabilmente legati al culto. The Cave of Sa Rocca Ulàri, in the municipality of Borutta (SS), is fully inserted into the dense settlement of the natural cavities of Sardinia during the prehistory and early history. Its size and the particular relation to the configuration of the land in relation to the richness of the Mejlogu landscape, allowed small groups of people to settle in the cavity that opens into the northern slope of the Hill of Sorres. Attendance could be certified without interruption from the Neolithic until the Middle Ages. The preliminary study of materials, has determined that the most popular period for residential purposes is referring to the end of the Neolithic culture of Ozieri, and the first Eneolithic Sub Ozieri. The funerary use is assumed for the subsequent cultural phases Monte Claro (Evolved Eneolithic) and Bonnanaro I facies Corona Moltana (Bronze Age). In the Nuragic Era (Middle Bronze / Late / Final and early Iron Age) the cavity was initially used for storing food, then for other purposes probably linked to the cult.
The Nuraghe S. Pietro of Sorres, Borutta (SS). IL NURAGHE S. PIETRO IN LOC. SORRES, BORUTTA (SS)
Pier Paolo Soro
IpoTESI di Preistoria , 2010,
Abstract: The nuraghe of S. Pietro di Sorres, located on the commune of Borutta (SS), is the largest of a series of buildings ready to crown the slopes of the plateau of limestone of Mura. The location - at the top of the hill of Sorres (524 m above se level) - near the romanesque cathedral of S. Peter, suggests a military use that began during the Late Bronze Age and maintained in the subsequent history (Punic, Roman, Vandalic, Byzantine, Judicial). From an architectural point of view it falls within the type tholos polilobato. The remains of local limestone give an impressive testimony of the building. Numerous materials of ceramic and bronze found inside and around, during the excavation work in the 50s of last century, are a confirmation of its importance in the Mejlogu area. We can’t not exclude a certain type of ritual/ funerary connection with the nearby karst cave of Sa Rocca 'e Ulari and an hierarchical connection with the nuraghe Santu Antine of Torralba. Il nuraghe S. Pietro di Sorres, in comune di Borutta (SS), è il principale di una serie di edifici disposti a corona lungo i versanti del tavolato calcareo di Mura. L’ubicazione nella parte sommitale del colle di Sorres (524 m s.l.m.) nei pressi della cattedrale in stile romanico di S. Pietro, suggerisce una funzione di tipo militare iniziata durante l’Età del Bronzo Recente e mantenuta nelle successive epoche storiche (Punica, Romana, Vandalica, Bizantina, Giudicale). Dal punto di vista architettonico rientra nel tipo a tholos, polilobato. Di esso si conservano i ruderi di pietra calcarea locale che ancor oggi testimoniano dell’imponenza dell’edificio. I numerosi materiali di ceramica e di bronzo ritrovati al suo interno e nei dintorni, durante i lavori di sterro negli anni ’50 del secolo scorso, confermano la sua importanza nell’ambito territoriale del Mejlogu. Non si esclude una relazione di tipo rituale/funerario con la vicina grotta carsica di Sa Rocca ‘e Ulàri e di tipo gerarchico con il nuraghe Santu Antine di Torralba.
La représentation de l'espace dans Une tempête d'Aimé Césaire
Ngolo Aboudou SORO
DOCT-US , 2011,
Abstract: RESUME : L’espace dramatique est un espace imaginaire à débusquer du texte théatral à partir des indications spatiales dans les masses dialogiques et didascaliques. Dans Une tempête de Césaire, c’est une le qui émerge avec ses tempêtes qui contraignent un vaisseau à échouer. Y déversant ainsi des naufragés. Cet espace qui est la théatralisation de plusieurs espaces référentiels est composé de micro-espaces aussi significatifs les uns que les autres : les grottes de Caliban et de Prospero et la forêt ou la savane tropicale. Tous ces espaces actuels traduisent les tensions sociales que Césaire porte sur les planches. Quant aux espaces virtuels ou évoqués, ils surgissent aux moments où Prospero se laisse aller aux souvenirs et permettent de mieux cerner ce dernier.
FNT-based Reed-Solomon Erasure Codes
Alexandre Soro,Jerome Lacan
Mathematics , 2009,
Abstract: This paper presents a new construction of Maximum-Distance Separable (MDS) Reed-Solomon erasure codes based on Fermat Number Transform (FNT). Thanks to FNT, these codes support practical coding and decoding algorithms with complexity O(n log n), where n is the number of symbols of a codeword. An open-source implementation shows that the encoding speed can reach 150Mbps for codes of length up to several 10,000s of symbols. These codes can be used as the basic component of the Information Dispersal Algorithm (IDA) system used in a several P2P systems.

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